Let's talk fonts and typfaces!
Do you have any go-to sites or foundries when you're looking for something new?
A couple that I've been visiting lately have been:
- Velvetyne - a French free and open source type foundry with some weird and wonderful stuff.
- Fontshare - more standard, 'professional' display fonts, free for commercial use.
and a question (mostly for Windows users) - do you use a font management program? This is a frequent frustration of mine. I have a lot of font files left over from old projects and workplaces, but haven't found a font manager that I love that makes browsing through them an easy task. I've tried
Fontbase before, but found it to be a bit cumbersome (and didn't really want to pay ongoing for their subscription service).
AND feel free to share typefaces that you've created yourself, or some personal favourites or go-tos as well!