[Book] "Doom Guy: Life In First Person", Romero, 2023
- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
[Book] "Doom Guy: Life In First Person", Romero, 2023
Started yesterday and finished today, a very breathless read. Engaging and with a pretty thrilling play-by-play of those high octane early years, and then rounds out with Ion Storm and through till now. Mentioned this to Matt, but autobiography can be a tough thing; this one's written from the standpoint of someone who wants to make peace with his past and himself. Set some records straight, accentuate the positive, "learn the lesson", perhaps gloss over a bit or don't even address some things. But his enthusiasm overall is palpable, be it for his projects, coding and game preservation, and especially as he's shifted focus to younger generations. Heartfelt encouragement for the craft. And also trying to still carve out a place in a very different gaming landscape compared to 1993. Well worth a look I'd say!
- andrewelmore
- FC-ID: KON-RC821
- Pronouns: he/him/his
- Location: Seattle, WA
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/@mythicresonance
I'm just bumping this thread to say that i desperately want to read this book and have since it was announced but i can't find time to read anything ever and i'm so sorry
- malyzar
- Pronouns: he/him
- Location: Kansas City
- Link: https://mattcolewilson.com/
I have a library copy on my nightstand and am gonna start it next week!