It's December! What the hell. The last 4 months or so have been a whirlwind. First of all let me just say that even though I haven't been contributing much lately, it's been super cool to pop in every now and again and see that a handful of people are still coming to post about what they're up to.
As Life Stuff always gets busier toward the end of the year, it gets a bit harder to think about creative and interesting stuff to share here on Famiclub.
For one reason or another, this year has been one where I've probably played less video games than any other year. I've been busy with design and web work, which is great, but it's not really the kind of stuff that's interesting to share in this setting, since it's just commercial work and not cool little video game related personal projects.
It's been super cool to run and design for the Famiclub Arena jams but, to be honest, they actually probably added extra stress and deadlines on top of my life which I didn't really need in addition to my day job.
I guess where I'm going with this is:
- What would you want to see in Famiclub going forward?
More monthly discussion or design events? A retro game club?
It would be great to see more engagement with Arena, but I understand why people don't want to sign up for a whole-ass design project several times a year.
- Famiclub is half Video Games and half Graphic Design, but it's much easier to talk about video games.
It's hard to talk about design, and what's good and what's bad. And I don't really want to be doing like.. Brand analysis or UI and usability writeups.
Let us know if you have any thoughts on how we could open things up to more design-related discussion aside from 'this thing looks cool!'
- Does the forum format actually work after all?
This was fun to set up, and it's cool to mess around with Old Internet stuff, but to be honest it might be the format that has put some people off? Would we actually be better suited to like... one big long topic-less thread for general chat and banter? More of an IRC-style group-chat format? Or an online browser based custom chat experience?
I think there's a barrier of engagement when working with a forum that discourages people from sharing small things because they have to 'make a whole thread' - which is why the 'What are you Playing' type threads work so well.
- Getting the Word out
Lastly, getting people's attention to join and then actually engage with something like this on the internet is hard work hey (which is why I really appreciate you, the girl reading this).
This place was started because I didn't want to talk about Famicase on twitter anymore, but hey, many of the Famicase-adjacent people are still on twitter.
Early next year I'd like to run Arena III (perhaps with an altered format) and do another push for some publicity, since I haven't posted anything online about Famiclub since Arena II.
Perhaps we can all figure out how to tweak things a bit, and get the good word out to the internet again in the lead-up to Famicase 24.
Anyway, those are some thoughts I've had rolling around for a while. Would love to hear from you all about how we can make things great for next year