This is Famiclub DISCover - an all new jam about designing the disc art of a fictional video game or software.

Image from Gamedisc Beauty
Check out Gamedisc Beauty and AD/Compact_Disk to bask in some wonderful disc art before diving in.
This is an open-ended, no commitment, no deadline, non-competitive design jam. Feel free to post your entry this week, next month, or next year!
Here's how to get involved:
- Name your disc! Anything you like! If you need some suggestions, check out this Video Game Name Generator
- Download @malyzar's excellent DISCover art photoshop template from Google Drive here. It's got a ton of toggleable logos and customisation options to get you started.
- Post your entry (or entries!) in this thread and tell us a bit about your game or software and the design decisions you made along the way.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Finally, a huge special thanks to @malyzar for creating the DISCover jam concept and creating the amazing template linked above!