@andrewelmore Amazing stuff. That and Tribes were such a formative moment for me with online play. It's wild, I just had the notion to check Wayback Machine for old clan stuff I was involved with back then and sure enough some snapshots have survived. My group was the "9th Imperial Legion" (woof) and I thought it was so cool how someone had edited skinpacks to update the Herc's with the emblem, and role-play, pilot backstories, all that was encouraged. Wrote fanfic about this stuff, lmao. "Birds of Prey", "Rat Pack" and "Men In Black" were other clan names I remember, sometimes we would schedule match ups. I think there was an ongoing war narrative whereby clans would gain or lose ground on planets via "plot important" skirmishes.
Fucking hell, I am checking the news updates on the old 9th site and one of the admins, handle "JesusFreak", is leaving to join the Air Force a month after 9/11.
Now Playing - Music
- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
Oh shoot just had another sudden memory, not Starsiege-related. My friends at the time and I did make our own pop-up clan, of sorts; "Confused n00b Society". Prefaced our handles with -=[CNS]=- for distinction, lol, and it was just something we applied for any number of games we happened to play together, no website presence or anything, very not serious.

- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
God I love college radio stations. Some kid is having a blast today and broadcasting these back to back to the whole county

- GhostSnacks
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Location: Gold Coast, AUS
- Link: https://ghostsnacksdesign.weebly.com/
- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
Picked up John Carpenter's latest "Lost Themes" release for partner's birthday (shh, it's a surprise
Also lmao I love it, that one person in the comments discovering thanks to THIS VIDEO that Carpenter the director and Carpenter the composer are one and the same

Also lmao I love it, that one person in the comments discovering thanks to THIS VIDEO that Carpenter the director and Carpenter the composer are one and the same

- goodnews
- Pronouns: he/him
I've really been enjoying https://www.nts.live/ lately, discovered some good stuff and their infinite mixtapes are excellent
- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
Oo, Thanks for the link @goodnews. Sounds like a great place for explorin'
Matt Trakker's channel (example below) and KVGM's stream are nice to have on
Matt Trakker's channel (example below) and KVGM's stream are nice to have on
Last edited by breakfastcowl on 15 Jun 2024, 11:34, edited 1 time in total.

- goodnews
- Pronouns: he/him
Yooo I just picked up the vinyl a couple weeks ago for this set he did
- Skellingtor
- FC-ID: NAM-RT-5500
- Pronouns: He/him
- Location: Brazil
- Link: https://linktr.ee/skellingtor/
feel very fortunate that i found out cardiacs returned to spotify on my birthday

- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
Been going through the cohost member rolls this evening and just Nightwave Plaza running in the background https://plaza.one/

- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Aurora
- FC-ID: SUN-BBW-7200
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Location: Broadcast Depth
- Link: https://infinite-devil-machine.carrd.co
- breakfastcowl
- Pronouns: He/Him
Finally plugged back in the external speakers after rearranging the living room months ago. Spinning some Mitch Murder on this Saturday morning